Niente di più, niente di meno
(TRINK!Nothing more, nothing else)
Sanpierdarena Pantagruelica Fest, Centro Civico Buranello, Genova IT
Like the priestess Bacbuc in the book V Gargantua and Pantagruel by François Rabelais presents Panurgo in the presence of the divine bottle through a three-day rite, Orecchie D'Asino during the three days of the festival Sampierdarena Pantagruelica set up the space for a reinterpretation of both ritual and Bacchic music, produced thanks to the sound designer Dr. Chimpanze.
The artists represent respectively the "wine with one ear" and the "wine with two ears", the good wine and the bad wine (chapter XLIII). With two ladles created for the occasion together with the designer Luca Frignani, the artistic duo in priestly guise will pour to the visitors the magic drink placed inside a tub present in the center of the room: TRINK, and therefore drink, is the answer that the divine bottle gives to Panurgo, in the same way this turns out to be the message linked to the intervention of OD'A offered to the visitor. So TRINK nothing more, nothing less invites us to drink on without stubbornness both on the dichotomous dualism of good and evil and on the meanings that the work of art itself would poorly embody: "And here we affirm that not laughing distinguishes man, but drinking: and I do not say drinking purely and simply, because even beasts drink; I say drinking good and fresh wine. Consider, friends, that you become divine wine and that there is no more truthful argument nor art divinatoria less fallacious".